Phoenix Senior Living

Phoenix Senior Living COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ

Update 2/9/21: Vaccine clinics are currently underway at all PSL communities.

How was it determined who receives the vaccine?   The CDC used the below table to determine who receives the COVID-19 vaccination. Please note this chart references Georgia but applies to all states.

How will the vaccine be administered?  Each community registered with CVS through the CDC to receive scheduled vaccine clinic dates. Each community has been assigned three dates.  The vaccine requires two doses, which, if receiving the Pfizer vaccine, requires 21 days between doses.  There will be representatives from CVS on-site to administer the doses to residents and staff.

How will residents be monitored after they receive the vaccination? PSL has created a post vaccination observation form with recommendations from medical professionals. These observations will be conducted 1-hour and 2-hour post vaccination.  These observations are in addition to those conducted by the pharmacist or nurse that is administering the vaccine.

Pictured Phoenix Senior Living CEO and Founder Jesse Marinko after getting the first round of his COVID 19 vaccination

What is the recommended observation time following administration of the vaccine? The CDC published an observation time of 15-minutes for most people. For people with a history of severe allergic reactions (e.g., Anaphylaxis), a 30-minute observation period is recommended. In case of an allergic reaction, the pharmacy will have EPI pens on hand.

What happens for a new resident after the vaccine is administered in my community? How do we offer them the vaccine? After the initial phase of vaccinations, the community can choose to continue working with the pharmacy that provided their initial on-site clinics for additional doses or choose to work with the pharmacy provider of their choice based on availability.  PSL has confirmed that our pharmacy partners will have access to the vaccine in Phase 2.  Prospective residents will want to work with their primary physician and a representative of the PSL community they are moving into to coordinate receiving the required vaccination doses. Until all phases outlined by the CDC have begun receiving the vaccine, the accessibility for additional vaccine clinics will be limited.

How will uninsured individuals (e.g., staff) pay for the vaccine?  The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) will cover the vaccine for uninsured individuals via their COVID-19 Uninsured Program. The pharmacy managing the vaccination clinics will have the information on hand needed to bill accordingly.

Will this be a one-time vaccine that needs to be taken every year or season? This is unknown at this time and may vary depending on the vaccine.

Should someone who was previously infected with COVID-19 receive the vaccine?  Yes. Data from clinical trials suggest that the vaccine is safe and likely effective in persons with evidence of a prior COVID-19 infection. Vaccination should be offered to persons regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection.

Should someone who is currently infected with COVID-19 receive the vaccine? Vaccination of a person with a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result (meaning infection with symptoms) within the last 14 days should defer vaccinating until they have recovered from the acute illness and meet the criteria to discontinue isolation.

Should someone with known exposure to COVID-19 receive the vaccine?  Yes. For persons residing in long-term health care settings where exposure and transmission of COVID-19 can repeatedly occur for long periods of time, residents with known COVID-19 exposure may be vaccinated.

Can someone get infected with COVID-19 after the vaccination?  The CDC reports it typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. That means it’s possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and get sick. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.

Once a resident receives the vaccine, how long before quarantine can discontinue due to exposure?   The CDC and the Department of Health is currently recommending all previous protocols and guidelines outlined before the vaccination be continued at this time. Quarantine will continue until further notice.

Will residents and staff still be required to wear face masks after receiving the two required vaccine doses? Yes. Face masks will continue to be worn as all established COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will be maintained.

Will the residents be able to freely receive visitors once the vaccines have been administered? All current guidelines regarding visitation outlined by the CDC, DPH and CMS will continue until updated recommendations are released from these agencies.