Phoenix Senior Living

Time to Spring Forward at Phoenix

It is that time of year where we all prepare to “spring forward” an hour for daylight saving time. For most of us, an extra cup of coffee and a few days is all we need to have our internal body clocks adapt and get us back on track with the time change. However, as […]

The Day Cupid Calls on Phoenix Senior Living

Valentine’s Day, the day when Cupid aims his arrow, has traditionally always been a holiday for couples celebrating romantic love. Today, as the CEO and Founder of Phoenix Senior Living, with 20 senior living communities operating throughout the southeast, serving seniors and their families, I know that February 14th is an excellent opportunity to shower […]

2019 Is Here and We Welcome the New Year

2019 is here and as the CEO and Founder of Phoenix Senior Living, it has certainly been a time to reflect on how quickly things can change.  Personally, my three children are a year older and I celebrate in their health, curiosity and accomplishments.  Although it is hard for me to admit at times, I […]